A Brohams Guide To The World
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Snap Judgments
The other thing I dont get is the fact that you leave without any answer to the job. I understand that the people that interview dont have authority and there is a process but shouldnt there be some brutal honesty that takes place Biz style. At the the end of the process just let the person know, "you got no shot cause you suck, and seem like a real d-bag" or "you crack my shit up and seem like a perfect fit." I dont know I just think there needs to be a little honesty taking place during the interview and everyone would have to spend less time feeling like an asshole in a suit talking about shit that they dont care about just so that they can get paid.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Evolution of Biz
Lately there’s been a lot of jibber jabber regarding the nickname ‘Biz’. I’m about to clear up some of these misconceptions.
Now this is the story all about how
My name got flipped and turned upside down.
So I’d like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I’ll tell you how the nickname ‘The Biz’ evolved from nowhere.
A little town called Oxford is where I played,
On a brown couch was where I spent most of my days.
Chillin’ out maxin’ relaxin’ all cool,
Watchin’ west wizzle outside of school,
When a lovable guy called Bones,
Who was usually up to no good,
Shouted “Yo B” from underneath his WashU hood.
I looked towards my friend and he looked at me,
I said “You, Meat and Siegs should call me King B”
They whistled and laughed and called to come near,
The nickname would be ‘Queen B’ from now on around here.
If anything I can say this nickname sucked,
But I thought ‘naw forget it, they’ll forget soon enough’
It was 7 or 8 days and they were still being haters,
They called to me “Queen Bizzle, what are we doin’ later?”
I just shook my head at my friends
On the brown couch chillin’ there,
Sittin’ on our throne watchin’ Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
Eventually I was right. They all forgot soon enough or more likely became too lazy and cut the queen part from my nickname. I was referred to as Bizzle for a while, and then they got lazy again and cut it down to Biz. So that is the true story of the evolution of The Biz. Those out there who have heard the vicious mudslinging and rumors can now rest assured this was not a self proclaimed nickname.
-The Biz-
Thursday, December 11, 2008
An Unsolicited Endorsement

Dwayne Carter. The man is 26 years old has shot himself in the chest at age 12, went to a gifted kids middle school and was the tin man in the school play, drinks codeine cough syrup with Jones Soda, has neck and face tattoos, raps gibberish and I love all the craziness he personifies. Few things in life are as terrifying to me as scary movies, roller coasters, and large dogs not kept on leashes, but neck and face tattoos creep me out. It still doesn't stop me from diggin' everything about Weazy. So take this as an official endorsement. I am making Lil' Wayne an honorary Bizicist. I leave you with a great example of his craziness "I got it covered like a coke top, I'm back like a brassiere hook, I'm just trying to get my spot like a polka dot". I don't even know what that means but it's not stoppin me from lovin' it.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
What Happened ???
- Bailouts/Socialism
- Lions Football
- Celebrity political endorsements
- Sarah Palin being a serious VP candidate
- Paying extra for HD cable when HD tvs are the only thing you can buy
- underage olympic chinese gymnasts
- a boring world series (can't even remember who played in it)
- a shrinking 401(k).......I'm getting old
- getting old
Sunday, September 14, 2008
It Exists!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Jared Fogle: An American ZERO?
From The Biz: My current roommate is a very nice and easygoing guy which is why a month ago I was taken off guard when I heard a vulgar string of expletives coming loudly from the living room. “What’s your deal?” I asked, only to get a 5 minute anger filled rant on the evil that is Jared from Subway. To which I replied “tell me how you really feel”. Well thankfully readers, he has done just that. Up to that point I had thought nothing wrong with Jared, he might look a little goofy, but you can’t hate on a dude for enjoying a nice grinder. Well, my roommate has officially transferred his hatred of Jared onto me the way I have spread my strong dislike of David “Mr. College” onto many of you. Below is a dissertation usually reserved for when The Biz is feeling extra surly, it is now brought to you by an easygoing, fun loving nice guy. Who knew he had it in him?
Jared Fogle: American Zero
Please excuse the irritated tone of this commentary. I promise you that I am an easy-going guy. That being said… I am using my roommates’ blog space to exercise my “freedom of type” to get something off my chest. Even once it’s off my chest I will still have to seek treatment for the severe chapping that Jared from Subway’s success and renown has caused my ass. I’m not even sure why I’m writing this down, seeing as how I am pretty sure words cannot express how intensely disappointed I am in our society for hoisting his fat ass up. Basically, the fact that this guy even has a job flat out pisses me off. Let the unpleasant news be spread… Kyle wants Jared from Subway to get fat again.
Fact: Jared from Subway was so lazy and unhealthy that his human figure had amassed over 400 lbs of jiggling flop by the time the dude turned 21. Fact: Jared from Subway admittedly ate over 10,000 calories a day. 10,000 CALORIES A DAY!!!! One fast-food meal (unarguably the calorie consumer’s go-to meal) has a mere 1000 calories. How many meals was Jared pre-Subway eating? I’m going to venture to guess he certainly wasn’t working up an appetite. His parents should be famous for being the first people convicted of letting their kid never ever do or eat anything even remotely healthy at all. The only thing sadder than the “fact” that these two “facts” are in “fact” true is the “fact” that they form the plot setting of a so-called “All-American Hero’s” tale.
AMAZINGLY enough… Jared from Subway lost weight when he replaced the Tons-of-Fun-Fatburgers he was inhaling for breakfast, mid-morning snack, brunch, lunch, mid-early-afternoon-snack, mid-afternoon-snack, mid-late-afternoon snack, dinner, dessert, and midnight snack, with one 6 inch turkey sandwich. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Alert the fucking surgeon general. Guess what happens when a person divides their 10,000 calorie-a-day diet by 10? Answer: their body starts to eat itself. Nice work slim… which group of rocket scientists told you to cut out the french fries for your new diet?
I am not insensitive. Don’t respond to this with your socially correct “pat-on-your-own-back” messages about how hard it is to lose weight. I’m not an idiot. If I had met Jared from Subway on the subway (no pun intended), before all his unearned fame, and learned about his 300 lbs. weight loss, I’d give him a teammate-esque pat on his still-not-exactly-thin ass and buy him a low-calorie beer. The part that pisses me off is that he’s been hoisted up onto our custom made, plus-sized, American made pedestal, and is now treated like he cured AIDS. Are our standards really that low? Someone please explain how this is different than us idolizing a crack-head who miraculously turned his life around by refraining from his gluttonous crack habit? I feel like we’re kneeling before some dude that miraculously survived a mysterious drowning epidemic by actually removing his head from the water before gasping for a breath of fresh air. Let’s try rewarding people that deserve it for once, instead of championing those that finally benefit from doing what they should have been doing all along. Then again, I guess this is the country that RE-elected… nevermind, that’s a different blog.
Nut up
Monday, April 7, 2008
Top 5 TV shows of all time?
Top 5 in Order (Best to Worst)
1) West Wing - The sexual tension between Donna and Josh was enough to get me to watch copious amounts of this show each week my senior year of college. Throw in Marathon Mondays, Dule Hill, and Martin Sheen as President Bartlett and you have a clear cut best show ever.
2) The Wire - Great show about the drug game in Baltimore. Just started watching this in the last year and I plowed through 5 seasons on demand in very short order. Also certified as something white people like at http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.wordpress.com/ so I guess I had no choice in the matter.
3) Entourage - A story of 1 super rich, good looking, famous guy, and the 3 buddies who make up his entourage. I don't think there is a single 18-30 year old guy in America who doesn't love this show and want to have the exact same situation in his life. Hot chicks, parties, money, vacations.....They are living my dream and I live through them everytime I watch the show. Plus Jeremy Piven might be playing the best character on television that I can think of in my lifetime so far.
4) The OC - When I hear the word Summer I no longer think of the season. Don't you judge me, it was a guilty pleasure that I am not ashamed of.
5) The Sopranos - 6 seasons of greatness. I don't have much to add. Characters could be funny, depressed, happy or homicidal at any moment. It kept me asking "whats next?" after every episode of every season. Also, provided a great excuse to open a bottle of wine and cook up a huge Italian dinner every Sunday night.
The Honorable Mentions: Californication, Weeds, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and The Office
The one people will give me shit for because I left it out: Arrested Development. Sorry, I've only seen a few episodes.
The one the ladies love: Friends
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Unofficial Male Chauvinist Week at Daily Bizisms
You want to know what grinds my gears? The misuse of profile pictures on facebook or myspace. Heres an example of the misuse. Guy gets invited to an event on facebook and goes to check out the page and look at all the people who have rsvp’d as attending. He starts scouting the talent that might show up and his eyes fall upon a beautiful baby. He tries to take a look at her page but of course its private. All he has is this one small picture, but damn she looks hot. Now he has decided to definitely go to this party based on the other rsvps. The whole week he is pumped to see this chick and then when he gets to the party he sees her and is extremely disappointed. You got there expecting an 8 to 10 and she ends up being a 4 to 6. Now this may work the same way for girls but I think it usually happens to guys. We have seen this beautiful profile picture and come in with some high expectations. Boy were we wrong! This is false advertisement ladies, it’s the wonderbra of our generation. Lifts you up even though you’re not really that hot. And let me take it a step farther. I think its doing you a disservice. Think of it this way: We have you built up to be this thing of beauty, and our expectations are pretty high thanks to the bar set by your profile picture. You get one chance to make your first impression, and now we meet you and you have gained 30 lbs, your acne is back or your pasty as hell. Instant disappointment as our first impression. Now lets flip it around. Your picture is of you when you were 30 lbs heavier, you had acne and you were pasty. At this point the bar couldn’t be set any lower. We really aren’t that enthusiastic about meeting you. Then when we do meet you, wow are we impressed. The acnes gone, you are skinny and have you been tanning or on vacation? because your body is toned, tan and tight. Much better than that horrible profile picture, and we think you must have some serious confidence if you are completely ok with that bad picture being up.
Example 2) The person with the skinny face. Please don’t put up a picture of your abnormally skinny face if the rest of you is Jared pre-subway. It just causes a really awkward moment when we finally get to see the rest of you.
Example 3) Dude who has never drank more than three beers and is usually extremely lame putting up a picture of him bonging a beer/playing a drinking game/surrounded by smokin’ hot chicks. We get it man, “You’re sooooo crazy, you bong beers, party, and chicks love you!” For the record, it happened once, it might have been water, it was your younger brothers party, you paid the chicks, you never did it again, and you threw up immediately afterwards. Go back to playing final fantasy iv.
Final Thoughts: Ladies, do you make a conscious decision to put up the picture that looks the absolute best or is this just a random phenomenon? Please don’t put up an amazing picture of you that might have been from 5 years ago and is in no way a representation of what you look like today. Alternatively, if you are super hot, feel free to play it down because it displays confidence. Or just put up hot pictures of yourself because I like looking at hot pictures, but if you do, don’t pretend like you don’t love it when random people look at your pictures and peruse your profile. You put them up there because you want us to look and think you’re hot and sexy, and you’re encouraging the online stalking. I’m gonna go out on one final limb here and say there is a direct correlation between self esteem and the hotness of your picture. The hotter/sexier your profile picture, the lower your self esteem, and low self esteem is like a target ladies. I’m sorry you can’t argue with that, I’m a certified Bizicist.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Galoshes, Ugs, and Other Boots
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Daily Bizisms...Where daily doesn't mean everyday
I have noticed a trend already in our posts. 2 of the previous 3 deal with fast food. Many of you are thinking 'well thats understandable, you are fat asses'. To you I say "truth, but thats cold". We are not a food blog, though I'm guessing we will often jump into foodie realms. If you didn't pick up on it in Bones Esq.'s previous post, he does carry with him the nickname "The Sultan of Snack". I put a lot of confidence behind his opinions in snacking. That said, if you did not run out and get a fast food breakfast sandwich and apply some strawberry jam to it over the weekend, shame on you. I highly recommend it. Take that advice and experience the joy for yourself.
On another note, we will be sharing many things that grind our gears, but would also like to hear from you. Feel free to leave comments and share the things that grind your gears. We may even feel compelled to write a post about it.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Salute To A Great American Hero
Unfortunately for us the world has lost a great American hero, thats right, the inventor of the egg mcmuffin (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23819808/?GT1=43001). The man who thought it was genius to bring a breakfast sandwich to the fast food world and altered the way we cure hangovers. Without him who knows what we would do while on a cross country road trip or before that early morning flight. The mcmuffin has become a staple to Americana and therefore we here at Daily Bizisms and myself as the Sultan of Snack salute Herb Peterson.
So this weekend when you find yourself staggering to the nearest McDonalds to satisfy that hungover hunger or the next time you enjoy a mcmuffin just remember the honorary Bizicist who created the egg mcmuffin and made breakfasts around the world what they are today.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Welcome To Daily Bizisms
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Sonic....America's Drive-In?

I see this sign in about 20 commercials every week, with a couple or two friends enjoying what looks to be delicious shakes, burgers, and crazy little cheesecake bites while sitting in their car and exchanging some banter back and forth. Usually I start getting surly the moment I realize its a Sonic commercial. Never in my 25 years have I seen a real life Sonic Drive-In. I'm now 80% sure that "America's Drive-In" does not exist. It's definitely not Michigan's drive-in. I have done the internet surfing multiple times after seeing another commercial featuring a new juicy succulent burger or some crazy looking dessert only to relive the disappointment of finding that there are no Sonics in Michigan! This chaps my ass and I'm not even a dessert person. Everything just looks so good. I also hear that they have special drink combos like cherry lime-ade and I've heard people claim "Its the best fast food place for drinks". I can't even imagine a great fast food place for the drinks alone. This mythical drive-in has been built up to be the Wayne Gretzky of fast food places. I think what bothers me the most is that its just bad business to waste so much money on commercials in a market where you have zero restaurants. Stop being such a tease Sonic, you really grind my gears!