You want to know what grinds my gears? I'll tell ya. Hillary Clinton's voice. Ouch! it hurts my ears the moment I see her open her mouth. Thats before the words even come out. I'm already cringing. Check out this video of her New Hampshire primary speech: In the first 10 seconds she is mouthing the words "Thank You". My ears hurt and she's only mouthing words. Then she actually says "Thank You" into the microphone. At this point I want to claw out my eardrums. It cuts like nails on a chalkboard sending shivers up and down my spine. It also reminds me of my mother yelling at me for doing something wrong. Very unpleasant, and I think this video is in her more soothing celebratory voice. Just wait until she's angry or slinging some mud on the campaign trail. Anyway, I don't want to knock her too much, she does have ample foreign policy experience, just ask Sinbad about their trips abroad together.
I have noticed a trend already in our posts. 2 of the previous 3 deal with fast food. Many of you are thinking 'well thats understandable, you are fat asses'. To you I say "truth, but thats cold". We are not a food blog, though I'm guessing we will often jump into foodie realms. If you didn't pick up on it in Bones Esq.'s previous post, he does carry with him the nickname "The Sultan of Snack". I put a lot of confidence behind his opinions in snacking. That said, if you did not run out and get a fast food breakfast sandwich and apply some strawberry jam to it over the weekend, shame on you. I highly recommend it. Take that advice and experience the joy for yourself.
On another note, we will be sharing many things that grind our gears, but would also like to hear from you. Feel free to leave comments and share the things that grind your gears. We may even feel compelled to write a post about it.
A Brohams Guide To The World
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Salute To A Great American Hero
Back when I was a youngin McDonalds breakfast was only consumed on roadtrips with the family. Those early morning breakfasts as we made our way to some vacation spot consisted of nothing more than the hot cakes with the small container of hot maple syrup and a side of sausage patties. Now dont get me wrong thats a fine breakfast when you are young and naive but the true greatness of McDonalds breakfast lies in there sandwiches which all began with the Egg McMuffin. Unfortunately for me I was fearful of this strange looking sandwich and unable to take the risk, that is until one glorious Saturday (which I refer to as my awakening) when I was about 12. That morning my Dad imparted on me the secret of the carnies and forever my life has been changed. The secret of the mcmuffin and breakfast sandwiches in general is to put some strawberry jam on the sandwich and enjoy as the sweetness of the jam combines majestically with the grease and salt of the sandwich, let me just say the carnies are not as dumb as they look. From that point on my outlook on life was altered, from then on before an early morning round of golf, a hungover loop around the course as a caddy, a quick bite on the way to work, or to simply cure that rough hangover I turned to the mcmuffin to push me through and set my day off on the right foot.
Unfortunately for us the world has lost a great American hero, thats right, the inventor of the egg mcmuffin ( The man who thought it was genius to bring a breakfast sandwich to the fast food world and altered the way we cure hangovers. Without him who knows what we would do while on a cross country road trip or before that early morning flight. The mcmuffin has become a staple to Americana and therefore we here at Daily Bizisms and myself as the Sultan of Snack salute Herb Peterson.
So this weekend when you find yourself staggering to the nearest McDonalds to satisfy that hungover hunger or the next time you enjoy a mcmuffin just remember the honorary Bizicist who created the egg mcmuffin and made breakfasts around the world what they are today.
Unfortunately for us the world has lost a great American hero, thats right, the inventor of the egg mcmuffin ( The man who thought it was genius to bring a breakfast sandwich to the fast food world and altered the way we cure hangovers. Without him who knows what we would do while on a cross country road trip or before that early morning flight. The mcmuffin has become a staple to Americana and therefore we here at Daily Bizisms and myself as the Sultan of Snack salute Herb Peterson.
So this weekend when you find yourself staggering to the nearest McDonalds to satisfy that hungover hunger or the next time you enjoy a mcmuffin just remember the honorary Bizicist who created the egg mcmuffin and made breakfasts around the world what they are today.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Welcome To Daily Bizisms
Welcome to Daily Bizisms. Most likely you are shaking your head right now and thinking to yourself that you have friends who are borderline retarded. You are most likely correct. You are also probably only reading this because you're a friend of The Biz or Bones Esq. and it will give you an opportunity to make fun of us the next time you see us. We are completely ok with that and I think our fellow "Bizicists" are ok with that too. A "Bizicist" is a new term I just came up with on the fly right there. I am going to proclaim that it is anyone who has mastered the Tao of Biz. Just like a Physicist studies and practices physics, so does a Bizicist practice their Bizisms. Few have been able to grasp the complexities and subtle nuances that make up a Bizism. But there are some and they will be contributing to help make this blog really special. A short bus kind of special. Get ready and join us on an epic journey through the inner workings of Biz, Bones Esq. and their band of cohorts. We welcome your comments and anything that may grind your gears.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Sonic....America's Drive-In?

I see this sign in about 20 commercials every week, with a couple or two friends enjoying what looks to be delicious shakes, burgers, and crazy little cheesecake bites while sitting in their car and exchanging some banter back and forth. Usually I start getting surly the moment I realize its a Sonic commercial. Never in my 25 years have I seen a real life Sonic Drive-In. I'm now 80% sure that "America's Drive-In" does not exist. It's definitely not Michigan's drive-in. I have done the internet surfing multiple times after seeing another commercial featuring a new juicy succulent burger or some crazy looking dessert only to relive the disappointment of finding that there are no Sonics in Michigan! This chaps my ass and I'm not even a dessert person. Everything just looks so good. I also hear that they have special drink combos like cherry lime-ade and I've heard people claim "Its the best fast food place for drinks". I can't even imagine a great fast food place for the drinks alone. This mythical drive-in has been built up to be the Wayne Gretzky of fast food places. I think what bothers me the most is that its just bad business to waste so much money on commercials in a market where you have zero restaurants. Stop being such a tease Sonic, you really grind my gears!
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