A Brohams Guide To The World

Monday, April 7, 2008

Top 5 TV shows of all time?

So like I said in my welcoming message, Daily Bizisms isn't always going to be about the things that chap our ass or grind our gears. There are some things we actually like. TV is one of them, along with witty banter, drinking, cornhole, epic college football or fifa battles, good eats, BR7, BQ10, and good people. This post is addressing what I think are the 5 best television shows of all time. Feel free to pipe in if you think I missed some or am way off base. I think a lot of you will agree with at least 50% of my list. Bones Esq. will most likely review and add his two cents, as he is very opinionated when it comes to TV viewing, and usually needs to be in control of the remote.

Top 5 in Order (Best to Worst)

1) West Wing - The sexual tension between Donna and Josh was enough to get me to watch copious amounts of this show each week my senior year of college. Throw in Marathon Mondays, Dule Hill, and Martin Sheen as President Bartlett and you have a clear cut best show ever.

2) The Wire - Great show about the drug game in Baltimore. Just started watching this in the last year and I plowed through 5 seasons on demand in very short order. Also certified as something white people like at http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.wordpress.com/ so I guess I had no choice in the matter.

3) Entourage - A story of 1 super rich, good looking, famous guy, and the 3 buddies who make up his entourage. I don't think there is a single 18-30 year old guy in America who doesn't love this show and want to have the exact same situation in his life. Hot chicks, parties, money, vacations.....They are living my dream and I live through them everytime I watch the show. Plus Jeremy Piven might be playing the best character on television that I can think of in my lifetime so far.

4) The OC - When I hear the word Summer I no longer think of the season. Don't you judge me, it was a guilty pleasure that I am not ashamed of.

5) The Sopranos - 6 seasons of greatness. I don't have much to add. Characters could be funny, depressed, happy or homicidal at any moment. It kept me asking "whats next?" after every episode of every season. Also, provided a great excuse to open a bottle of wine and cook up a huge Italian dinner every Sunday night.

The Honorable Mentions: Californication, Weeds, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and The Office

The one people will give me shit for because I left it out: Arrested Development. Sorry, I've only seen a few episodes.

The one the ladies love: Friends


Hollywood said...

No love for The Price is Right?

Anonymous said...

why don't you write something new? stop being so lazy, you do nothing else with your life.

Anonymous said...

I agree with hollywood....you need some lovin for The Price is Right. Amazing show.